Sending a parcel to Taiwan is easy and cheap with . However, there are certain goods which could see your shipment delayed, returned, or even destroyed, by Taiwanese customs, so it’s important that you know what you’re allowed to send before you ship.
When planning a shipment your first port of call should be our own prohibited items list . These are goods which our couriers won’t carry to any destination, many of which are either illegal or hazardous.
Once you’re sure your package fits our delivery criteria then you need to check whether your items will be allowed into Taiwan.
One of Taiwan’s most notable restrictions is goods from China. Until recently all goods from mainland China were considered contraband by Taiwanese customs. These regulations have now been changed to classify all goods from China into three categories: prohibited items, controlled items and approved items.
If you want to send something to Taiwan which originates in China, whether a manufactured item or some kind of produce, the easiest way to find out if it is permitted is to use Taiwan’s own classification search tool
If you’re planning on shipping books or posters to Taiwan be sure to check that they don’t promote Communism in any way, as items of this nature are also banned from entering the country.
Finally, shipping narcotics is illegal at the best of times, and does not allow it, but if you try to smuggle drugs in to Taiwan not only will you have broken the law, you will also face the death penalty.
For a full list of goods which are prohibited or restricted for import into Taiwan check the official Taiwanese Customs website .
Telephone: +886225505500 ext.2116
Address:No.13, Tacheng St., Taipei City, 10341, Taiwan, R.O.C.